We’re a small group of believers who are not afraid to have their faults exposed because we know a guy (Jesus Christ) who loves us and is in the business of restoring and redeeming messed up, broken people. We know we’re better together and even though it’s easier and sometimes more comfortable to “hide” when life is tough, we’re intentional about giving access to those who love Jesus and love us. We find exactly what we need – sometimes encouragement, other times correction, occasionally rebuke, but always a deep love and concern.
We meet in our homes, often rotating who is hosting and always sharing a meal. We nearly always meet Sunday mornings so the meal is breakfast and everyone brings something to share – pancakes or farm fresh eggs or sausage and bacon or grits or yogurt or fruit or whatever is picked up at the drive-thru or grocery store.
We believe in being connected throughout the week. Sometimes through individual texts or calls, other times utilizing our group messaging app (GroupMe). But the most important thread that runs through all of our lives throughout the week is Scripture. We all are reading through the same passages using the YouVersion Bible app and following a plan we’ve all agreed on. It allows us to dialogue and share thoughts during the week and focuses where our discussion will start from when we gather.
Because we know we’re better together, we pool our time and resources to support a number of different ministries and missionaries both near and far. It’s been so rewarding for us to see that our little family is financially and prayerfully supporting so much of what God is doing to impact people all around the world.

Micro Church